
The protection of the personal data of the visitor/user of our website is for our company a matter of major importance and a cornerstone in the relationship of trust between us, which we intend to create.
We collect the data that the user voluntarily makes available to us when visiting our website,
in order to meet his needs and specifically during his browsing to search, order and supply (purchase) the products we sell.
These are usually:
name, address, e-mail address, telephone number and other contact information, VAT number.
We process this personal data when we are going to enter into a contract with him or for other necessary purposes related to it such as indicatively:
for the processing of orders and payments, the issuance of legal documents, calculation of tax liabilities etc. for products and services that have been purchased or for refunds, for promotional actions regarding our products and services that we believe may be of interest to you (in case but only when we have received his express, clear and free consent for this), to inform him about the possible availability of a product he is looking for and is interested in, etc.
We may further be required to use this data for the benefit of the user/visitor/buyer;
eg: if there is a potential risk to their safety due to a defective product they have purchased that needs immediate inspection or that the manufacturer is recalling to determine usage patterns and how we can adjust our services to better respond to his needs.
We clarify that the personal data of users/visitors/customers are always collected for predetermined, explicit and legal purposes, are absolutely necessary for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes and are processed lawfully and legitimately, in a transparent manner, which guarantees their appropriate security and their protection from unauthorized or illegal use, accidental loss, destruction or damage, by using appropriate technical or organizational measures, the response and security of which we check at regular intervals.
They are kept and archived, in a form that allows the identification of the data subjects, restrictively and only for the time required for the specific purposes of their processing.
In particular, the processing in question is carried out in accordance with the legislative framework on the protection of personal data applicable from May 25, 2018, i.e. in accordance with the new European General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (EU) 2016/679, ("GDPR") and the generally relevant Greek legislation, already existing and/or which may be issued in the framework of the implementation of this new European Regulation.
Our Company implements the appropriate technical and organizational security procedures and takes the necessary organizational and technical measures in order to minimize the risk of unauthorized disclosure or processing of this personal data, as well as accidental or illegal access to it, destruction, loss or altering them.
In particular, we apply a strict security policy to our systems and train our employees in this area.
Recipients of the personal data of users/visitors/customers, if necessary, may be, apart from us,
the importers and/or representatives of the items they are interested in, order or purchase, the carriers who carry out the transport and delivery of the purchased goods, any technicians - in case of their necessary intervention - and our staff.

Our company, with the aim of improving the services it provides, has integrated the BestPrice 360º tool into this website, in the context of extracting statistical data and performance data from the participation of its online store in the corresponding product price comparison platform, in which it participates .

BestPrice 360º allows the transmission to of anonymous data, regarding the activity of visitors to this website (such as a visit or an online order) for the extraction of the corresponding statistical results and for the improvement of marketing actions.
In addition, only if you have given your consent to save orders through the corresponding option in your BestPrice profile, every order you place online will be automatically saved in your BestPrice profile. This feature serves exclusively to save the basic order details (such as order code, products, etc.) without transmitting any personal data contained in your order. This possibility is in no way related to the processing of the order, for which our company is responsible and responsible.
For more information on the possibility of storing your orders at, click here. Our company requires and ensures that the above employees and partners, who process personal data on its behalf, participate in the confidentiality agreements for the protection of this personal data, that they also maintain the appropriate technical and organizational security procedures and the necessary and appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard the security and confidentiality of these data, to undertake that said processing will be carried out by persons under their direct control and supervision, that they have the appropriate professional qualifications and that they themselves undertake the corresponding obligations of confidentiality and security towards our company, in accordance with the aforementioned applicable legal framework.
Our company reserves the right to unilaterally revise and update this policy whenever the need arises and without warning. For this reason, it is appropriate and requested that interested users/customers stay informed by visiting our website at regular intervals.
Furthermore, we specify that users/visitors/customers, subjects of processed personal data, maintain at all times:
I) Right to submit a request for access, correction, update, deletion, limitation or opposition to the above maintenance and processing, as well as for their portability.
Processing Manager: Mr. Prodromos Efthynopoulos
tel. 6934031323, e-mail:
II) Right to file a complaint (for incidents of violation of personal data, jeopardizing their security and in general violation of the written provisions) before the Greek Personal Data Protection Authority, 1-3 Kifisias Street, Athens 11523, tel. 2106475600, e- mail and